AI's future and four new ERP systems systems
Over the next five years, artificial intelligence (AI) will have an important impact on businesses and their market models — 85% of the CEOs polled in PwC's 22nd World CEO Survey are persuaded. But with just a 33 percent plummeted in AI for "limited uses," and less than one in ten implementations have been used in a wide range to date. But everything will change soon. Despite the application of AI to many companies as a distant dream, the actual sophistication of intelligent technology and demands, especially for enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to enable technologies, have changed market requirements radically. To help companies profit rapidly from technical advances, ERP platforms need to shed their sluggish patrimony and open up to third-party applications. This demand must be met fairly by ERP providers and consumers, as set out in the four expectations for ERP allowed by AI below. Expectation 1: Smart technologies versatile deployment process ...